Saturday, April 14, 2012

The 69th Hunger Games; Rain of blood.

The 69th Hunger Games; Rain of blood.

I stand on the metal platform and noticed as the glass tube wall around me closes, the temperature drop dramatically. My stylist Eileen gave me the thumbs up as the platform slowly lifts me up like a smooth hydraulic cylinder. My body starts to shiver and create millions of small goose bumps. I wonder what my daughters Dominique and Hayden are doing right now. Did Desiree find a way to send them in bed before the show came on? Did she find an excuse not to be pressured to watch the opening of the games? Our girls are still young and there once was a rule that only kids over 12 would have to watch the games. Well either way I could picture them sitting in the living room with two or three Peacekeepers armed, standing behind them.

The platform reaches the top and with a small shake it comes to a hault. This is the first time us tributes could see this years arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let the Sixty-ninth Hunger Games begin!" The familiar voice of Claudius Templesmith, the announcer, vibrates my ear.

This gave us one minute to scope the fighting place out.
I notice that Anthony from district one was eagerly confused. His Shia LaBeouf hair, is reflecting the warm sunlight. To the left of him is district four's very own Greg. He is well known for hunting exotic large fish. One of his fish was said to feed an entire village. 
From where I am standing, watching the first ever Hunger Game's married couple smile at each other is a clue that they are automatically going to team up. Charles and Christi have both volunteered from district two. With the background of weapon inventing, they surely will be a hard team to beat. 
Amber, the girl from my district, yells at me and points to the Cornucopia, the large boot shaped building that usually houses weapons, supplies, and food. Cornucopia is where the first deadly battle takes place and the winners have first choice of any of the weapons. I look at the confusing site and notice why Anthony and even Charles now stare at this years Cornucopia with confusion. Even the girl from district 12, Tiffany, looks at the site with disgust.

I noticed the entire playing field is closed off by a large metal wall. No forests, no deserts, no mountains, no lakes, no buildings. Just a large round playing field with a 50 foot slick-metal wall surrounding us. 
No windows, no doors. 
In the center, the large boot shape metal building, has what looks like 12 long tables and instead of the usual small back bags filled with life saving supplies, small silver cans are scattered around the grassy field like little easter eggs.
What is going on this year? Are we going to have a party and drink ourselves to death? What are the game makers intentions this year?

The minute is up and a loud gong echos in the arena. We all run towards the center. Both members from district seven are running next to me. Sandra (a tall girl with blond hair) and Christopher (a muscular giant) who yells loud indian chants while running towards the Cornucopia. The wedding couple are holding hands and walking towards the center. I guess this make sense since there is really nothing to fight with or about. This year will definitely be interesting.
While running to the long tables I can only think about those nights with Desiree when we had to watch the opening games. Holding her face against my chest when the first blood is drawn and spattered in the air. The killings can get pretty brutal for anyone to witness. After the long hut summer days at the Solar power plant, me and Desiree enjoyed just sitting around with our girls and tell stories of the past and present. We even once started to share what we would do if we ever got selected to play in the Hunger Games. For some reasons, running towards long tables never was a scenery we discussed.

Twelve equally sized tables stand next to each other with six red solo cups in a triangle formation resting on opposite sides. Beerpong? Really?

We all stand on one side of a table and start filling up the shiny cups with the chilled silver Miller light cans. A small note next to the cups illustrated the rules:
Each side utilize 2 beers
The tallest player gets to throw first
Normal college beer pong rules

With two exceptions:
1. Double ball in cup is an automatically win
2. Looser dies.

This is the first time the Hunger games didn't involve a battle, blood, or weapons. But the death by alcohol was an ironic statement.  

My opponent is a young kid from District 11. His name is Brandon. He tells me good luck since he never had a drop of beer nor ever played a drinking game. So this was an easy win for me. Amber played against Christopher and after she accidently spilled one of her own cups I know that her luck doesn't look to good.

I pick up the small white plastic ball and concentrated on my breathing. With a gentle toss, it sinks in the center cup. Brandon smiles and screams "Shit!"
He doesnt attempt to to move the cup so I take the second ball and without any trouble sinks it... in the same cup. He starts to sweat. 
Will there be a weapon transfered to me to kill him with as a price? Will we have to fight now with our bare hands until his death? Since my table had the first winner everyone else stopped throwing and stared at us to figure out what will happen. How the death would be delivered.

A large canon fired. Which was strange since the firing of the canon usually happens after the death of a tribute. From the sky above a large black metal spear followed by a tail made of chains, flew down and pierced Brandon through his chest and bungeed him back to the sky. He was gone. Left behind: his blood spattered on the table and his scream in the sky. 

The games continued. I waited for my new challenger and noticed Christopher had 3 cups in front of him. So at least Amber made three shots. But she was staring at only one back. I could see the fear in her eyes. Huddled over her table with her hands spread wide ready to hit a bouncing ball she stared Christopher down. Christopher faked threw and while Amber was confused bounced the ball. She gave it a whack but closed her eyes when she heard the beer get smacked by the plastic ball. He won. 
Canon fired and she gave me that "good luck" look as her body was catapulted to the sky. Her husband, Brett, back home should be on the floor right now covered in hatred and tears. Christopher fist pumped the sky and pointed at me. 

Another canon fired and I noticed Greg won his game. He still had all of his cups in front of him.  He battled a girl from district three. Her name was Robin. She was a quiet girl who definitely was out matched by Greg's ability to sink every shot. 
Christi was playing Heather from district nine. They both had two red cups in front of them. For some reason they were having fun. Laughing and drinking their loosing cups of beer. Did they forget that one of them was going to die? Or did they figure out something none of us thought of, why hurry to die? Either way it was Heather's turn and she made a shot. Christi picked up the cup and started to drink it. While on Heather's second throw she missed. Christi picked up the small round ball and sinked in the left cup. Then the second to the right cup. Heather smiles disappeared as the canon fired. With blood exploding out of her chest, she smiles at Christi and yelled, "good game!'' As she disappears.

Heather's teammate, Bruce, had a repelled facial expression. He knew that in his district the grain  factories would halt as one of their own just got killed in a party style game. But Bruce didn't do that well either being this was his first drinking game also. Playing against Ken from district 8, a well known party drinking game specialist, he knew the sound of the canon was near his future. Ken waved good bye to Bruce as his dead body was flown out the battle field.

Still waiting on round 2. I noticed a tight game between Charles and Steven. Steven is a skinny short kid from district ten. His small child-like body couldn't last a game. I could see him pass out because of beer poisoning and be disqualified. Another way to be killed for sure. But surprisingly, he was doing good. With with four cups in front of him and only one cup in front of Charles, I was starting to wonder what games the kids where playing in district ten that involved throwing a ball into a cup. Charles had both the balls in his hand and started to bite his lower lip. You could see him starting to get nervous. Steven just stood there smiling and zipping on his beer. Charles picked his right hand up and tossed the ball towards Steven's cups. The ball had a nice arch and slowly sank in the cup Steven was drinking out of. 
Canon fires and short after Steven like a small fish being pulled out of the water on a hook, is drifted away. Charles wipes the sweat of his face and out of respect, finishes his beer. 

The canon fires more and more often now. Michelle from district one, Jerry from district three, Monica from district four, both Doryan and Crystal from district six, and Danny from district 12 all finished the game with their bloody bodies pulled up to the sky.

Twelve of the tributes are gone. Out of the game, out of the world, they only leave behind their districts tears. There must be a sad cloud flowing over the viewers right now, with halve of the contestants dead within the first hour.  Being one of the fastest Hunger games in over 60 years. The tenth hunger game lasted only an hour. One of the tributes injected himself with a  deadly virus that spread evenly among the contestants and within an hour in the arena, all 24 tributes where laying on the ground breathing their last breath. From that point on, drug testing and making sure the tributes where watched closer during the training phase, was conducted to prevent that kind of attack from happening again.

Round 2
Looking at the winners from the first round I noticed the fun and laughter has stopped. This is a strange battle but people are still getting killed. Anthony is just standing there. Trying not to make any eye contact. His purple skater shirt is covered in a stream of blood. Three districts still have both teammates. District two, seven, and eight. District two's married couple, are holding each other. Both wiping the warm fresh blood off their faces. Districts four only survivor, Greg, just stands there looking at all the blood splattered everyhwere.  He looks up in disbelieve and seems like he might be talking to his wife Amanda and son, both waiting for him at home, to win this game. Both Christopher and Sandra are staring at Ken from district eight, drinking the left over cups of beer. Probably making sure non of the beer is waisted. He looks back and shouts "what? I play better when I am drunk!" We all stopped gawking. His partner also survived the first round. Polish Polish is what every one called her. With her Blond hair dancing in the soft summer breeze. She just looks at Ken aggravated and disappointed, holding her hands against her forehead. Kim from district 10 tries to comfort her by telling to forget about him... worry about yourself. Good advise since every one of us are fighting for our lives. Only one can win. Even Jen, Brandon's partner, already forgot her dead agricultural coworker.  The surviving twelve just stand there watching the tables sink under the ground like quicksand as the beer burps and farts linger in the air. Six new tables erected with each side showcasing one of our pictures. I find my picture on the table furthest on the left side and on the 
opposing side, Sandra's.
We all head to our designated side. This time the game makers have chosen our opponents. Not like round 1 where we all just ran to a side not knowing what would entertain the capital and President Snow, the ruler of all the districts. Looking around before the gong sounded, I checked out the teams. Anthony was against Christi, her husband Charles was battling Polish Polish, Greg was fighting Kim, Ken trying to stand still is throwing against Tiffany, and Christopher is on the same table as Jen. 
The tables were set up with the same six red cups as before. Everyone grabbed two cold Miller lights and started filling up the cups. 
The gong sounded and started round 2. 
Sandra being taller then me starts out. She grasp the white ball with her pointing finger and thumb and tosses it near my cups. She sank it in the front cup and without hesitation I start drinking out of it. She grabs her second ball and sinks it in the center cups. FUCK! Balls back!
She gets both balls back as I slam the beer down my throat. 
"Sorry Kess," she tells me with an evil smile. 
She misses her third throw but sinks the left cup on her last throw. I drink the beer, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. I look at the three cups in front of me. She has a good start, she could win this round. Thinking about the times my daughters cheered me on when had small friendly battles in my district. Competing each other inventions to see which one could create the most electricity. My solar powered infusion would win every time. But then there was the cloudy day of March. I lost against my brother Thorsten as he submitted his windmill. I could see the disappointment in Dominique and Hayden's faces. 
I pick up my first ball and just as I was going to toss it in one of the six cups looking back at me the canon fired and Jen flew in the sky. Sandra looked up as I bounced the ball of the table and it landed in the center cup. Drink two, I thought to myself. I might have a chance in this. Sandra's evil smile disappeared behind the empty cups. My second shot was a success also and drowned in the far right cup. Three cups gone and balls back! Sandra is laughing historically. The mixture of the beer, and the fact she might get killed next has taken over her body. 
"Please place the cups in a straight line," I demanded.
"Sorry Kess, not on balls back! Dont make these next two throws and request a cup placement at the beginning of your next turn!"
I pick up the plastic ball and line it up to the far left cup. It sinks. Two cups to go. On my second throw the firing and vibration of the canon made my throw not even touch either of the cups nor the table. 
Ken laughing and throwing up as he gets catapulted towards the sky. Mixture of his blood and beer puke lands on my black DC shoes.

Sandra picks up her balls, looks nervous, and throws her first ball. It hits the lip of the red solo cup but bounces off the table. She gets upset. She throws the second ball and makes it but I use my finger like an expert and scoop the spinning ball out of my cup. I look at the two cups, and shoot for the front one. But it bounces of the lip and magically lands in the other. 
Is this Game Over. Did I win? 
Both of us stand there with a wonder in our eyes. I couldn't recall if that counts as a two cup or if maybe she will get another chance, who knew? I shrugged my shoulders and as soon as Sandra picks up the cup to drink, the sound of the canon makes her drop the cup spilling the yellow beer all over the table. It was for her. The sharp spear slams through her stomach and bursting her blood and stomach mixture on my face.  She screams as she gets pulled out of the arena.
Smearing the warm thick paste off my face, I look around and notice that Christi is winning against Anthony. He has one cup in front of him and Christi has two. It was even Christi's turn as she gently tosses the ball being careful not to hover her hand above the front of the table. Anthony has a scared expression and his face is almost as purple as his shirt as the ball sinks. He gets upset and smacks the cup off the table. The canon fires.
"This is fucked up! This version sucks ass, and why did I waist my life training to actually fight and kill people. I hope the capital..." Anthony got interrupted as the spear punctures through his neck and pulls him to the sky.

Charles smiles at Christi but tries not to leave his eyes from Polish Polish as she threw her second ball. She missed again. They both had one single cup in front of them. Upset, she screams something in her districts local language. Charles took a step back, gets ready to throw and before the ball left his hand he told her to drink. Normally he never had any luck shit talking, but this time it worked. Canon fired and the bloody blond girl got rocketed out of the arena.

One thing was for sure. The alcohol definitely helped this years blood bath. Since this round more blood is splattered around Cornucopia. Canon fired and it was Kim's turn to shower us beneath her with her blood.

Round 3.
The new three tables arrived and this time I was throwing against Christopher. Charles against Greg. Tiffany against Christi.
Christopher being much taller grabbed the balls first. His muscles pierces through his shiny golden angel winged shirt. Good thing those muscles wont help him with this years Hunger Games. He throws and misses both shots. 
"Man I wish I had some Jager right now, this cheap beer is nasty!" He talks towards the wall hoping one of the game makers might change the next round to liquor instead of beer.
I grab the ball and notice that Greg already made both shots. Not looking good for Charles and the married couple. Christi made one cup and Tiffany was about to throw.
I tossed the white ball and made it. Christopher drinks the beer and grunts. I bounced the second ball and it misses.

He takes the balls and throws them at the same time. I was surprised he made them both, luckily without a bounce! I finished both drinks and rolled the balls back to him.
"I was thirsty anyways." I told him with a smart laugh.
This advantage didn't help him since he missed the other shots. I took the balls and thought, if I win who would I have to play against... since there would be three winners. One might have to play and win twice. I threw the ball and make it. As soon as Christopher picks up his cup, I bounce the other one and make it in also. Balls back, three cups to go. Christopher trying to finish the now warm beer watches as another one of my balls makes it. Two more to go. Sink. One more to go... balls back.
"WTF man!" Christopher yells at me as he throws the balls over my head.

Canon fires. Tiffany didn't make it.
Christopher is tearing of his shirt now and is starting to sweat anger. I can see he is getting upset and worried. I throw the ball and the splash sound it makes while it sinks in his last cup gets muffled by the canon explosion. Christopher stops breathing.

One game is still going on. Greg versus Charles. Both had two cups left. Greg tossed his last ball and made it. Charles finishes the beer and tossed his balls, both misses. Christi is getting worried and stands next to her husband. Greg picks up the ball, and makes eye contact with Charles blue eyes and throws.
The  ball hits the lonely cup lip and slowly drops inside. Before the canon could fire Christi screams and slams her body against Charles. 
"No baby boi, not now!" 
They hug and cry and kiss. Charles was trying to free her from his body but was unsuccessful as the spear combined his blood with hers. They both still in each others arms, slowly get raised out of the arena.

Final Round.
Our final table arose from the ground. We started to tear up a bit while noticing the faces on the golden plated table. My wife and daughters look up at me while I fill up the cups. His family is at his end. This was true torture!
For the first time I get the balls first. My first shot didn't go as planned and bounced off the table.  The second barely made it. Greg took the balls. He tossed them and one after another he sank them both. Feeling the alcohol tickling my belly I try to swallow the two cups as fast as I could. Returning the balls I noticed Greg had a baby son. I knew he had a son from the interview but ever figured it was an infant. He tosses and makes it again. His last throw he misses. Lucky for me! I am looking at three cups in front of me and need to make one of the five in front of him.  
I bounce and make it but my second throw I over shot and it lands in a pool of red slimy blood. Greg cleans it as much as he could and instructed me to place the remaining three cups in a straight line.  He throws and makes the center cup. The second throw he misses. My turn. After Greg places my three cups in a triangle as I told him to, I miss the first throw. One more throw left. I make the front cup. Im still in it! I return the balls to Greg. He took a deep breath and the ball leaves his hand and sinks in the furthest cup. 
One cup left. One ball left. 
Sweat starts leaving my face.
The canon fires.

Friday, April 13, 2012

This Bud light is for you... Kessler's friend!

     Things die. That’s a fact. Things start but we know that there will be time things will have to end. Day turns into night, life turns into dust. Most things poop for a reason. They eat, receive nutrients, then like I stated before, it ends and gets pushed out. What am I trying to say? Well its almost time to leave Germany and I had a lot of memories that I hope don’t slowly melt and evaporate into the hot beach like weather that California offers year round. We arrived in Germany 2005 and at first noticed that this is definitely not Arkansas. Either way, we fully took advantage of traveling and with every trip; our heart for this country grew larger. Yes, there are some dumb traditions and customs, like nothing being opened on Sundays or the strict recycling rules. The slow internet capabilities and costly expenses can be a set-back also, but the traveling makes the months fly by. Many friendship were created, strengthen, and some collapsed. Some of course are the great ones. Some I will miss the most. Don’t take an offense, if you’re not one of the few. I honesty love everyone but there are a handful that I become teary eyed when I think of the day we will fly away from this beer loved country.
      One of the originals that has changed the most—but for the good. I think we are still traveling on the same road, but with different vehicles. I missed the days of the past but I respect the choices you made for you and your family. We had many smiles together and will never forget the times in the past I got you in trouble while sharing loud cheers. Of course the time we made fun of everyone and the introduction of tobacco products while learning the true meaning of clicks has brought us together, which at the end, eventually drifted us. But friendships never die, we might not be as close as we where years ago but when I needed you the most you did everything in your power to help or assist and for that I can never forget you. The useful facts and your ability to correct my spelling will continue to thrive me to double check my spelling, grammar, and to learn new things. I hope nothing but the best for you and your family and hoping one day we can reunite again to capture the German Beach Beaver arrival.
       With time against us and your crazy work schedule, we made sure to party when we could. When we had the opportunity we partied and when we partied…we partied! You introduced me to Beerpong and damit... we could have won that tourney! So every time I throw that lil white ball I will think of you and your pepper! We took a trip together and we could have been lost brothers! When scheduling a meeting, it usually couldn’t happen because you had to work while I was off and vice versa. With our celebrity looks we were the life of any party. You having robotic friends and me the hip fat country singer. One team with only laughter in front of us. Whenever we do meet in the states or if I come back to visit one thing is sure… we will always schedule an hour of late time. Not to mention I will never come to your BBQ with an empty stomach since we always have a hard time eating on time. But your crazy beer drink capability will remind me to step up my game and remind me of those younger days where I could drink and party until 5 in da morning… cabs here!
      If I was wasted I would expect someone to have my back. You knew you had mine ever since your body was hovering halfway over a fence. I pated your back and told you to let those damn demons out! Ohh and you did, even though the neighbor’s dogs had a field day with them. The daily morning meets at the gym has shown me that when your heads into something you stay with it. You inspire me to get on the healthy track and to keep pushing to stay healthy. Your strength in Beerpong makes me happy I loose. Since you never leave the table. Our mentoring talks have helped me and hoping it helped you also.  I have a feeling you will go far in your career and we will stay in touch. Even though I never got invited to your house, I know where you live. I will miss those awkward back and leg rubs. You have such soft hands! I can’t wait to hear all the great things you will be involved with and accomplish in your career. You’re a great father, friend, and inspiration.
      Pictures aren’t always perfect at first. But with training any picture can be breathtaking. I inspired you. Lets face it... that is definitely the truth! Your ability to listen to me bitch on a weekly basis has helped me figure things out and taught me to be a better, stronger, and smarter leader. I have learned so much from you these last couple of months and like everyone in the military, I finally had a mentor. Since the day I beat you at darts, you accepted that anything I touch… turned into gold. I enjoyed being your go-to-guy with any questions or problems. Even the simple things like Email security settings. We had fun comparing abilities and learning new Photo tricks. When it was that time for you to say the normal military “see you later,” I noticed that my time isn’t that far off and all these sad and dark feelings will be multiplied soon.  But we both know the world is small and we will see each other at Mardi-Gras next year. Every time I see a good capture that could have been so much more, it will remind me of you.
     Sometimes brothers don’t share the same blood.  This is our case.  We have known each other over a decade. We learned a lot these past years. Driven through dark tunnels just to be welcomed by the sunlight at the end. That’s what brother-friendship is all about: being able to deal with the bullshit, overcome the dark times, and to smile when the sun is out! I admire your strength and dedication. When you wanted to stop smoking, you did. When you wanted to stop drinking, you did. When you are passionate about something, you never lost that vision. The biggest example would be our friendship. I was there for you and I could always count on you. Our early rocking-guitar hero days will never go to waste since our 2HD group will be big one day! A mixture of 2 pretty white dudes rapping, singing, and rocking! Never before seen shit! We had many fun trips and fun nights. We have confirmed that being wasted every night in order to have fun is a big myth (even though those are fun too) but a relaxed evening with our families and a big bowl of fried wings is just perfect. We would fucking rock in the Hunger Games! We would so be unstoppable. But at the end… there could only be one winner and since I am older… I would win! Don’t be afraid to call me out on things, since we all know I won’t hesitate to do the same.  Even though the time is close to spread us apart, I can’t wait to grow old with you. Since you will always be a part of me—no homo!
     When that time comes to say our “see you laters” only thing I ask is to be and stay true.  Don’t be afraid to hug me and tell me how much you love me and how bad ass I really am while getting lost in my green-bluish eyes.  If its one thing I learned from the military is that making friends is very easy… but the time will come when you have to say good bye. But then there is the aspect that the world is a tiny spot, and one day our paths will reunite in a Wal-Mart, on a Sunday, close to a Militray base. And for that reason I know I don’t have to be heartbroken to leave this place, since the only thing separating us is time. So I guess its really not the end…. But a long pause.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Time for Spain

We just got back from our Spain trip. We left for the Airport around 0230 and met up with Amber and Brett. Got some coffee and breakfast and while heading to meet up with Christi and Craig... spilled coffee all over her pants and white hoody. Good thing we had a trunk full of clothes and she changed in the BMW parking lot. I hope they dont have any video cameras outside. We met with the Smiths and we all headed towards the airport.

Spain is a very nice country at least the towns we saw. Getting early to the apartments we dropped off our luggage at the receptionist and headed out to catch a bus to Tarragona. After asking a hand full of bus drivers if this was the bus to Tarragona, the right one finally said yes. The town was my favorite. It had that old Spain by the beach feeling. We saw some great scenery and I took a lot of pics. The drinks and ice cream was wonderful and after soaking in some warm sunlight we headed back to check into our apartment. I thought it was nice for the amount us three couples had to pay. Had a kitchen, living room, 2 bathrooms, and 3 bedrooms. On the roof porch, we could see Salou's Beach which we would spent all day tomorrow at.

Salou was very nice also. The weather was great. The mixture of the hot sun and  the cold wind made it perfect. We spent the day shopping and laying on the beach. Even though the water was pretty cold, the girls loved playing in the water, sand, and searching for sea shells. Even Jacob loved the beach time. After walking a bit around the town we waked back up the mountain to relax in our apartment.

The next morning we left for the bus ride to Barcelona. The bus trip was the longest but gave us some sleeping time. We arrived in the center of the town and took the the hop on and hop off tours. The beginning of the day was a bit gloomy and it even rained. But this didnt stop us! towards the afternoon we saw some great sites and even tried a Spanish rice dish for dinner.

Over all the trip was a success, we had a lot of fun with our friends, and I got a sun


So we did it again! We got married. Unlike our first wedding 10 years ago in Desiree's parents living room with our PJs on... we did it right in a German Church in our town. I cant say that I was stressed at all... ShiiiiiiiiT! It was killing me! Not being able to control this and this.... but it turned out great! Desiree and some of her girls decorated the Wooden Spoon early in the morning... which looked awesome, while I went to pick up the flowers. Flowers looked good and costed us an extra 100 Euros, but defiantly worth it. Then Anthony, Brett, and myself decorate the cute lil church. Everything was just right. The organist played the extended-remix version of the bride's march, which we all had smiles on our faces. Right when we thought the song was over... it kept on going! Every time I looked at the bride's maids: Amber, Sandra, Tiffany, and Polish Polish... I saw them trying to hide their smiles and OMG faces.  My best man Craig stood by me and didnt even loose my rings. He did great! My other boys Anthony and Greg flawlessly had my back even though Greg never closed the church doors after we walked in. But I guess that was kinda my fault, since I never told him to do that. The ceremony was cute and fast. Dominique and Hayden did great for the sand ceremony and Desiree was the one who spilled the sand. Afterwards we took some pictures and headed down to the wooden spoon. We started out with the cake and coffee time. This gave Gabi some time to make sure we get everyones orders. Everyone had fun and we did too. The cake that Kristine made was delicious and looked beautiful. Afterwards we cleaned up and left home to get ready for our Spain trip.

Again I wanted to thank everyone that made this Do-Over wedding a success and a great memory for the Kesslers. Everyone from the Photographers, the cake maker, the last minute helpers, and all of our friends and guests. You are all part of this non-forgettable memory.
