Sunday, July 31, 2011

The First Try

Alarm went off at 3 am. Jumped in the shower while Desiree got dressed and ready. Dressed, tooth brushed, last minute packing, securing the house, and driving off around 3:30 am. Arrived at the Ramstein Passenger terminal right at 0400! The doors open. W noticed about 20 people already at line in front of the doors. We follow behind. One by one we wait to be sign in at the front desk. 30 minutes after the Kesslers have signed in! Fuck, we forgot to take out the last trash!

0500 Memphis departs at 1345. Great only 2 hours from Arkansas... Looking around there must have been 200 people in the pax terminal... not looking good. We left for the shop so I could check out the retraining list for 2012. Found 2 PA slots open for my rank..weeepeee. Went ahead and completed my request to retrain. Now we just have to play the waiting game. 

0600 we left for the pax terminal again. The sign in line still full. Its crazy so many people trying to fly out. Hopefully not to Memphis. Its crazy, everyone trying to share what they know about Space A travel. A lot of worried people and bitching. "I have been waiting on a flight since Saturday!"
"What category are you?" "Where you trying to go to?" Blah blah blah...
Dogs barking in the background, kids playing on the playground... and more blah blah blah.

0700 Memphis flight has been pushed out to 0300 next morning (Aug2)
Fun fun... it happens. We also have another chance to fly out at 10pm to Louisiana. So we will be back tonight.  At least now we can take out the

Monday, July 25, 2011

If I was a bird, I would not fly into windows!

If I was a bird, I would not fly into windows! Why would you use up all that energy to fly through the summer breeze, to dodge those big trees, to visit old bird friends the next county over, just to smack into a window and not just look dumb but feel dumb also. It shows that birds are tiny and have fucking tiny brains also! You use all that force just to stop and have a headache! Dumb just dumb! You would think for an animal that can walk, sing, and fly... you would be able to differentiate between a damn glass window and the sky? Plus lets not forget that birds belong the fuck outside... So why are you trying to fly in my house anyways! Stupid bird with a bad headache! I hope you remember this day! I hope you remember that the fall to the ground after you flew into my window was as equally painful. Either way, you look dumb right now... trying to stand up. Trying not to look dumb, but it doesn't work. It took some time but now your drunk ass can fly again... not in a straight line, plus your dumb bird friends are laughing at your dumb self!
Ohh by the way, selfish asshole, I will wipe your feathery-face sweat off the glass! Dont fucking worry about cleaning after yourself! Next time I throw up on your tree, I wont feel bad!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kesslertology 101: Funny and Crazy

Dear Dominique and Hayden,
Kesslerism 101: Funny and Crazy

I love you both sooo much! After every tick from the clock I notice that time is running out. It's flying by. You both are growing up tooo fast and turning into fun and smart girls. your already making me laugh, because your silly. I don't know where you got that from... ok ok, its all me. 
Being silly and funny are good traits. It will help you find many friends along your road to becoming adults. Kids will find it easy and relaxing to be around you and feel comfortable opening up to you both. 

But take it from the king... it can also hurt you. 
It will be harder for people to take you serious. So you need to draw a line: I can be fun and crazy but when I am serious, take me serious. This world needs more of the Kesslers... it needs the fun, creativity, and craziness that we posses and try to throw in peoples faces. Try not to use your powers against the weak. In other words, its not cool to make fun of people to their faces, just to gain respect from your peers... as long as they know you and make fun of you... its just fair to make fun of them back. Try not to laugh behind peoples back, I know it will be hard to resist, but try. "People watching" is fun, as long as you joke about someone as they walk by and they dont hear you, its cool! 
You will hurt peoples feelings, because us Kesslers are quick with the comebacks and people will try to be funny and joke on you, just relax breath and dont get offended. Just call them out and use your natural funny tactics. Some kids will joke about you, but then cant stand people to joke on them... those are assholes! Stay away from them! 
You both are very smart and funny girls. Try not to get used. Stay the strong minded, humorous and intelligent Kesslers you were born to be!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

To the Capital!

Well we just got back form our Berlin trip. Berlin is an amazing town. We seen everything we wanted to see and more. We actually found a wall park that still had some of the wall up. Check point charlie was an eye opener and the museum summed the entire experience up. The people... well the people weren't to scary, lol. The girls loved short shorts.. about sums it up. But Desiree and myself had a lot of fun discovering the capital of Germany and the story behind it. I have one suggestion... skip Hard Rock Cafe!
Take the train and subway! It was easy and cheap... skip the open tour buses. The Subway and train can take you to all the hot stuff we spent 12 euros for 2 days for unlimited transportation... It rocked!

Our hotel... well, Desiree picked it...
Over all the trip was very fun and cheap. I like cheap trips!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mondays are important...

Its Monday.
I hate Mondays! If we didn't have any Mondays... Tuesday would be our new "Monday." Then I would have to hate Tuesdays! So ether way any day after the weekend should suck... which means... delete all weekdays! So everyday was a weekend! Hmmm so we would have to work on weekends... which means weekends would suck!
Sometimes there is no way past something dumb and negative. Mondays are dumb, but is needed to ensure a great reward... the weekend! Dumb people are needed, to make sure smart people get the recognition they deserve. Its the ying-yang effect, for every good, there is an evil.
Skinny people need fat people. Ugly people need sexy people... there is no way around it.

My Sociology class is scaring me. I am not sure this will work. I took my midterm today, 20% my grade... Guess we will see soon how bad i did.

and now some random Kessler thoughts:
I think it is sexy when a girl scratches her tits!
Chess is fun when you play it, but not a cool thing to watch being played!
Green poop is soooo cool its a sad thing they have to be flushed also.
Birds fly for a reason... they have wings!
I got my haircut today.
I wish my life was a musical! Just break out in random dance and song routines... no homo!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

45 minute Memory Lane

So we drove back to Schmalenberg last night.
Its funny when visiting your old neighborhood how many good and bad memories can arise. We drove around and there were some good changes to the town. Kinda sad, it was a good town, good people, good neighbors. The house wasn't even that bad. Pretty big 'old farm' house style. To heat the house took some time, which meant took some cash! The drive to Sembach kinda sucked, usually took me 45 minutes and sliding down the icy/snowy mountain road during winter sucked too!
But other then that it was a good 2 first years in Germany!
Last night we said hello to the candy lady. She was a sweet old lady that would always give Dom some candy. Then we ate dinner at the town restaurant. After dinner we drove to our other neighbors house and visited Hans and Daniala. Of course like every visit to their house, I left drunk!
Good times, good times.
Tonight we are making some new memories, no not in the bedroom... in Sembach village! We are hosting our first Beer Pong Tournament. Should be a pretty big thing!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Look up...

Have you ever looked up in to the sky and get lost? 
Maybe to find an answer to a problem?
Or to demand a break? 

When I get irritated I find myself gazing into the sky. Don't really know why, I am not a religious person, so I am not talking to god.  But I do catch myself admiring the bright blue sky with the soft white pillows and blankets. It does relax me. But why as adults and professionals do we seek help from the sky? 
Why do we watch porn on the internet... we like free easy relieve! 

There might not be real reason, but take this under consideration:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Some people's stupid-monkey brained kids!

Ok, first of all... I know there are dumb people in this world. I can understand that for some people, the color red is the coolest thing they have ever seen. I also am aware that more often you will remember a dumb person then a very smart one. Well this is about a very dumb person, lets call him Steve, and lets presume he works at Patriot Military Automobile used car lot in Kaiserslautern. Lets also assume he is in charge of making sure your loan gets payed off when selling your used, I dont know... 2009 VW Jetta TDI.
We sold our car to this place June 2nd...
Its now... July 5th!

In lil British-Leprechaun accent..."Im sorry Mr. Kessler, there were a lot of German holidays, and the person who worked here before me messed something up, and I am kinda dumb"

So every day I have been calling him about my $15K check, and when my car finally will get paid off...
Yesterday this brainless kid tells me finally the words I been waiting to hear...
"Mr. Kessler, I am holding your $15K check... I will hand carry it to you bank tomorrow and pay off the VW."

This would have been the end of this blog... but Steve is a little unintelligent.

So I called the bank today to hear the good news, but nope... still haven't received the check... the bank closes in an hour.

So I have to make one of my daily phone calls again just to find out that stupid ass Steve, decides not to pay off my car, because the check is only for $15K and since it has been a month... and interest has been added... it would be a smart idea to send the fucking check back to the bank to add the extra charges to the $15K.

Sooo, I owe $14, 600 on my Jetta... he had a $15K check... fucking kidding me?
I told him, why didn't you pay off the car and then try to to get a $42 check for the interest that it gained in 30 days... fucking retard! I told him, you have an hour to pay off my car before the bank closes.

I called at 5:50 to check the status. This time lil monkey boy doesn't talk to me... he finally told his boss about the situation and asked him to speak to me. Ugghhh!!! Do you want some smarter people working for you... I can shit one out for u!

I have a meeting with him tomorrow at 11am... this will give him 2 hours to get my check back from the German Bank...

Some people kids!

This blog could still continue...

Friday, July 1, 2011

TF3, Smith gone, and K-town fest time!

So tonight me and Desiree are going down town K-town for a fun night! Its been a long time, and we even have a DD! Weepeee, thanks T. Logan! There is a big fest and it should be a good time. All I know that I will have my booze... which equals to fun Kessler! Lets face it, any time with the Kess is a fun time! Watched Transformers 3 last night... wow... what a great movie! Its funny how I still get goosebumps when I hear them transform! This one was kinda dark... lots of robot guts and blood! Cant wait for the blu-ray! Desiree even stayed awake! Had to drive my boy Smith to the airport this morning, miss him already. They left for the states for a month....its gonna be quite here... now I have to find a Beer pong partner. Speaking of beer pong, we are hosting our first tourney  on the ninth! Should be a good time... well let me go ahead and pre-game!
