Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kesslertology 101: Funny and Crazy

Dear Dominique and Hayden,
Kesslerism 101: Funny and Crazy

I love you both sooo much! After every tick from the clock I notice that time is running out. It's flying by. You both are growing up tooo fast and turning into fun and smart girls. your already making me laugh, because your silly. I don't know where you got that from... ok ok, its all me. 
Being silly and funny are good traits. It will help you find many friends along your road to becoming adults. Kids will find it easy and relaxing to be around you and feel comfortable opening up to you both. 

But take it from the king... it can also hurt you. 
It will be harder for people to take you serious. So you need to draw a line: I can be fun and crazy but when I am serious, take me serious. This world needs more of the Kesslers... it needs the fun, creativity, and craziness that we posses and try to throw in peoples faces. Try not to use your powers against the weak. In other words, its not cool to make fun of people to their faces, just to gain respect from your peers... as long as they know you and make fun of you... its just fair to make fun of them back. Try not to laugh behind peoples back, I know it will be hard to resist, but try. "People watching" is fun, as long as you joke about someone as they walk by and they dont hear you, its cool! 
You will hurt peoples feelings, because us Kesslers are quick with the comebacks and people will try to be funny and joke on you, just relax breath and dont get offended. Just call them out and use your natural funny tactics. Some kids will joke about you, but then cant stand people to joke on them... those are assholes! Stay away from them! 
You both are very smart and funny girls. Try not to get used. Stay the strong minded, humorous and intelligent Kesslers you were born to be!

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