A lot of people think that Christmas trees were originated a long time ago in Germany. To decorate a tree with lid candles and decoration was a great family tradition and showcased a unique story to neighbors, friends, and family.
But because I am kinda cool, I will tell you the truth behind this decorated christmas symbol. In 1735 young Christian Kessler noticed that his spoiled brats had to many presents spread around the living room. With no symbolic place to stash the wrapped toys, parents at that time would just "hide" the presents in the family room.
Secret: thats how hiding easter eggs originated.
Mr. Kessler was getting frustrated! Not only was the room cluttered but it blocked his brand new horse whip he bought the week prior! So Christian started to think... Where can I hide these presents?
He noticed a big pine tree in the back yard! Fucking-a I got it! I will hide the presents outside under the tree!
And so he did! But since the 1700's didn't have any electricity or flashlights, he hanged lanterns all around the tree to showcase the presents. Everything was falling in place, the only thing Christian Kessler couldn't count on was the local neighbor hood birds attraction to lanterns. All birds fall in love staring at lantern lights and when birds fall in love... they poop! So the tree was covered with white bird poop strings.
Even though the smell was pretty bad, the dancing reflection from the flames, gave it a spiritual look.
The night before Christmas, Germany had a bad rain storm. Christian couldn't face the fact... the kids might not get to have presents this year, since in that time it was believed that rain had sexual powers... and thats how kids were made. So parents locked up any kids under 18. No one got rained on, unless children were wanting to be produced.
Christian had to find a way to build a house around the tree... or better yet, cut it down! He cut the tree down and placed in the house. With the white poopy strings and the lanterns back in the tree he placed the presents under it. With Mr. Kessler being pretty cool and stuff, people wanted to be like him and copied this idea... 3 years later this tradition was spread all over Germany and the world.
Secret: Christopher Columbus had one of Christians tree on his boat during christmas.
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