Saturday, February 4, 2012

love and chocolate

Sometimes the world challenges me, I think, react, and take a long poop! I now know to take a poop first because thats where the real thinking happens. When we are forced to live one way there is only one way to react... to be yourself. The world cant just request how they want you to be, the world knows better... I mean its da muther fucking world... ya know!  To write a word without a meaning is like drawing a picture without paint. To learn from art is to write your thoughts. So this leads me to February! Its the month of love and chocolate! I tend to take really good poops in February so thats also my thinking month. My road has been paved but sometimes its ok to take a detour. I like long boring drives through the woods. Its been a crazy 2 weeks at work. With so many expectations I tend to forget that I am da bomb and it takes a lot of sweat and work to be da bomb. But one day they will be as kool as me! Have you ever wonder how cool your lfe would be in a story, book, or movie... shit mine would be a great puppet show.
My time is slowly coming to an end here in Germany and I fear that I will react like I usually do before I have so say "see ya later".... by acting rude and distancing myself from my friends! Please help me stay cool in these dark times... lol.

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