Friday, August 19, 2011

Come-on America, move over to the right!

Its time. Lets all grow up and learn to fucking swallow our pride and move to the far right lane when driving the speed limit or slower. Shit even when driving the slowest speed, this could be above the speed limit, move the fuck over to the right. Why is it so fucking hard to understand that you should only pass on the left. Ohh wait, what is that? Pass on the left, so if your the slower traffic... move the fuck over to the right side.
Yes, I understand. Sometimes its so hard to turn on the blinker and slightly turn the steering wheel. Not to mention making sure you have no one in your blind spot. Put your fucking phone down, and stay to the right! If an entire country, fuck if the entire world (other then the USA), can understand the rules of the road why cant the USA? In Germany, its 90% flawless, the other 10% being american drivers that get flashed to move the fuck over.
But this doesnt work in the States. Drivers are so stuck up they say fuck it, you move around me, even though I am in the far left lane. "Shit, you should be driving the speed limit anyways!"
Come-on America, move over to the right.
Fuck trying to make sure ever kid gets fed!
Or making sure everyone has a job!
Or even saving a great white shark!
That shit aint important... stay to the fucking right if your not passing, or turning left!

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