Tuesday, August 16, 2011

USA is pretty fucking awesome

Lets get serious for a second,
This country, the USA, is pretty fucking awesome! I totally forgot how cool it is to have so many options for dinner. We drove down the road and within a 2 minute drive had to decide on one restaurant form about 14. Ok its kinda crazy seeing the empty Boston Market parking lot right next to a super crowded Golden Coral. Ohh I luv you GC! They made so many positive changes! The food was so much better! Hmm and those roles... Damn now I want some more! Burger King ever 5 minutes. I love food!
The fast internet and TV channels. So many choices and plans. So many cool shows for 30year olds! To many you need to have a way to record them... and there is! Just record your favorite shows to watch later with no commercials... soooo fuking awesome! Netflix... soo super cool. No need to ever rent or own a movie!
IMAX 3D: the best way to watch a new movie. I cant explain how different this 3D technology is. They have 4D movies now... you scratch and sniff in certain scenes. Crazy shit huh!
All the new cars are soo sexy! Even Hyndai and Kia have cool looking cars.
The super cool malls. With so many cool stores and specials. We went to a cool kids clothes store that was totally rock style clothing... super cool. Most stores offer military discount.. except dumb Old Navy who only offer it on Mondays.
I just have to say I am defiantly looking forward to moving back to the good old USA next year!

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