Friday, September 30, 2011

Some posts from Dominique's 2010-2011 Journal

Sep 29, 2010 (yes one year ago)
   My sester is a paninthe butt. She calls me Domanick in stad of Dominique. She is mean and nastes. she hetts me and kecks me. She eats whith her mothe upined.

Mar 14 2011
   We are makeing store bags it shod be fun and if not I dont care atleast Im working and that is funy becaese I don't like to work only if it is games I only have 15 or 16 minits so I have to hery cose it is allmost time.

Apr 7 2011
   This summer I am going to my Nana and paw paw. Paw paw and i will go fishing. Last year I cote 2 ramdow and 3 catfish and 9 trowts. My paw paw is a dork he thinks cowfish and dogfish and antfish are real. My nana will tich me how to nit.
But for now on I am in school whith my craze ticher mrs. brook.

Apr 19 2011
   Once lived a King and Queen. They live in a casle above a big town. The Queen was very ell and about to have a babby. The King looked for a mageec flower the flower hade amageece power and toce it out of the grownd and meltied it in wader and made the Queen drink it and a prinses was born. 7 years ladder the prinses was 7 years old.

May 2 2011
   Today I am going to try to be good and going to work hard. I am not going to talk in class. I will onle talk in ressas. I ha a feal trep on Friday We went to the Dinicome Masiom my favret parts were win we rased animals. I rased a dog, alagator, tertle and a persin and 5 snase. I loved the slades and I loved the spring hosese.

May 19 2011
    The pigs are going to mete the frogs. The frogs are going to grab there lilly pads and fly away.

May 23 2011
    I am 8 1/2 my sister is 3 I am

May 25 2011
    the older sister I need to talk good care of her It is not

May 31 2011
    always fun. She can be a pain. I did a pupit show with DAven Katelynn and Darick. Daven is 9. Katelynn is 7. Darick is nly 4. Daven was the dad Katelynn was the mom and darick was a cat. The title was the little gril how picked a basckit of bluebarryes. I love my frands they are fun and nice.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

German Beer, throw up, and lots of pissing guys!

Want some beer? Yesterday, I did what every man in Germany should experience. I saw people all over  passed out, pissing in public, and still most were happy and partying. Oktoberfest, where everyone comes together from all over the world and drink lots of Beer... from morning to night. We got there early and went straight to the beer tents, which weren't tents at all, more like festival halls. Lots of colorful banners, people singing and standing on tables, swinging liter beer mugs, and the custom German dresses and leather shorts. We started our morning with a liter beer in the first beer tent's balcony. We didnt want to stand around inside until someone got up. Each mug was 10 Euros. It was still fun outside. With us being there around 0930 we still had a chance to sit and drink a beer, walk around inside the tents to feel the happiness from everyone. We would find out an hour later this would be impossible to try again. Around 11am, the area will be crowded by drunk people. We had a turkey sandwich and continued walking around the park looking at the rides, the costumes, and making fun of all the drunk people already passed out on the grassy hills. Around noon, we got a seat in one of the beer gardens. Had our second and final liter of beer. After noon its pretty impossible to find a seat anywhere to get some beer. With us resting on the famous lady and lion hill, we watched many slowly giving up and passing out. Everywhere were guys pissing on trees, on fences, and just anywhere. 100Euros later, the lights turned on and it was time to get on that bus. It was a great experience. Would I do it again... hmmm naa... I can mark it off my bucket list!

Monday, September 19, 2011

It all ends where it starts.

This sucks! Hamburgers are round and hot dogs are long and strange looking. You sit on chairs that have four legs. People in costumes are cooler with sunglasses on. What does this all have to do with this being a dumb day, well look out side. The weather is like fallish! It's almost October, So its just dumb weather time. Yesterday was Dominiques birthday, she is fucking 9 now!
Holy crap!
Last weekend I had a potoshoot of a church service. I know me in a church... weird. It was definitely different. It had screaming adults, a lot of tears, and just strange stuff. Everyone spoke in tongue. Sounded like a lot of adults baby talking... I know I will go to hell for this, but I sustained my reactions and continued taking pictures. People were getting attacked by the guy and girl in charge and like zapped them with the holly ghost. The bodies dropped to the floor. It was extremely different. One point I was like WTF! But again, its just wasn't my cup of tea. There was even a sword and bible dance. I know right. But anyhoo, next weekend I am going to Oktoberfest... I hope I have a fun time. First and last time!
 I will be one of the lucky ones to get in a tent, have a big mug of German beer, eat a hamburger, while trying not to fall out of my chair. Having fun with my German Oktober fest hat and sunglasses on, while trying not to baby talk when the sun goes down!
AMEN and god bless you!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So its been 10 years since the attack on US soil. I remember that morning being glued to the TV. The entire day seemed to be in slow motion, the entire world seemed to be in slow motion! I was in Searcy, Arkansas at Desiree's parents house. I was on medical leave since I just got my tonsils removed. I called the shop to make sure they didnt need me, but they knew I was drugged up and told me to stay there until my leave was up. All the bases upped their security. Bases that weren't fenced in, are now fenced in. And we dont leave the front door unlocked anymore, since we never know when the next attack will be.
Today we spent the entire day in the house. Watched a couple of hours about how the attacks happened and the old newscasts. I even shared with Dominique a newspaper form the day after the attacks.
She doesn't understand yet, but this will defiantly be talked about in her history class one day.
So its a sad day, but we need to remember this can happen again. Lets not keep our eyes closed any longer. Lets watch each other backs and get those dumb mother fuckers who don't deserve to breath the same air.
05 July 2000- Joined the USAF
11 Sept 2001- attack of the World Trade Centers and Pentagon.
06 Sept 2002- First deployment to Jalalbad, Pakistan
18 Sept 2002- Dominique was born
10 Nov 2003- 2nd deployment Manas, Kyrgyzstan
05 May 2004- Got my US citizenship
08 Jan 2005- PCSed to Sembach, Germany
04 Mar 2006- Third Deployment to Kuwait-Iraq (Convoy Duty)
03 Oct 2007- Hayden was born
10 Jan 2008- Fourth Deployment to Bagram, Afghanistan
01 Oct 2008- PCSed to Ramstein, Germany
24 Jun 2010- Fifth deployment to Al Dhafra, UAE

Monday, September 5, 2011

"Kessler" ~~ the class.

I do have to say I am pretty cool.
Fuck you all who doesn't agree!

With that said I am planning to add new accomplishment under my belt. (its a phrase, not meaning literally under my belt... dirty people!)
A best selling author, a great travel guide, a wonderful translator, a new age photographer, a one of a kind father and husband... and now an instructor!

Yes, cool people that actually waist your day reading my blogs... a teacher! I would like to be a self- motivator... because lets face it... we need more Kesslers! I would have 8 day 1 hour classes. This class will establish a change, the upbringing, and towards the end we will learn to love myself. The class will cost only $15.67 and hour. I know thats a steal by it self! So stop thinking that it just ain't possible, sign up and check out this class break down!

1st day: We will learn to how to take being made fun off. Everyone in class will find something to make fun of each other. I know sounds fun. Then one member will have a wild card and be able to throw catchup into anyones face... squeeze that red shit!
2nd day: We will take a field trip to the closest mall and will buy some cool clothes. Then we will return to the class room, check them out, think about the reason we bought them... and then we will return them.
3rd day. The class room will be divided into 2 sections. We will jut stare at each other the entire hour... no talking!
4th day. Beer pong competition.
5th day.  Teacher holiday, you all will spent an hour writing a story about me, be prepare to share them on Facebook.
6th day. The importance of having a rolly paper! The 13 step process of the fruit by the foot rolly paper! Please bring one pack of fruit by the foot to class.
7th day: How to eat, throw up, eat some more, throw up... and still get a girls number!
8th day: How to remember that as humans, Kesslers will always be better. We try to be the equal sign, the sun and the moon. We are good listeners. We will take what we learned and try to save a life, plant a tree, or just fuck a stranger and get her pregnant!

This class will fill up quickly, so hurry up and get fucked out of 125 bucks!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


So its September!
Dominique will be turning 9 in a couple of weeks.
School started.
Fall is around the corner.

So with that said lets have a party! The weather here in Germany is starting to be nice. Ok, we have our ever other rainy day, but its ok weather. Desiree had her first football game last Friday, where she played hard the first two passes and hit the ground hard going after QB's flag. Now we are just chillen! I am starting my extreme diet... which isnt working out like I planned. Well we will see net month how well I did.

Beer pong is going well...

In Materiel Control... September is the last month of the year... I am the only card holder in the squadron... so its a pretty busy month for me... blah!
