Routine inspection of the rubber seal can save you thousands!
1. Eat chili beans the night before inspection.
2. In the morning right before arriving at work, fart!
3. Swiftly get out of your car and close the door.
4. After work, when you open your door, if your fart still punches you in the face... your door seals are working just fine!
Another great car tip from the guy that used to be a mechanic but now orders parts and then will teach how to fix cars in the future!
Changing the channel:
When looking in the mirror I am satisfied of the person that I turned out to be! People know me, People love me, and dangit... People respect me. But what if your one of the 89% of unliked or uncool people? Well dont worry... they make a pill for that!
No they dont retard!
Sheesh, thats why your one of the 89%!
The only way you can be like me... is to respect yourself first. Then believe in yourself and then... say stuff that people might think is correct, but either way... you do, so thats all that matters.
Its the truth, trust me. If I wasn't, then why would I say it is?
Just look at your self and ask... what would Kess do?
My final thought:
Sometimes we watch AFN commercials and think, WTF, why are they wasting our time for these stupid announcements? These "home-made"informercials are there for people like you and me. You never know when you are the one running up stairs asking about your college entitlements, catching your roommates socks talking smack about your housekeeping, or why it would be a good idea not to pack your passports before you PCS! Sometimes we have to be reminded that we all could do something stupid. By we, I mean everyone but me.